You’ve probably heard about SEO before, and if you’re reading this article, chances are you know its benefits and application. But, do you know how to effectively apply an SEO strategy to your Etsy shop? Well, not everyone does, and we are here to change this!
A good SEO strategy will rank your product between the first pages of the customer’s Google search results, driving traffic, and converting sales. If you are not on the first page, chances are customers will never see you and you will have zero sales.
So, how to maximize the chances of your product to be found?
Step 1 – Keywords are everything
Keywords are a set of words customers use to find what they are looking for on the web. You need to know which words are related to your products and use them in your favor.
To find the right keywords for your product, you should wear your customer’s shoes first, try to see things by their perspective. What would they type on search? What are the most common words?
This is not an easy task, but will definitely be worth your time. You can find and test the right keywords using a few helpful tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Etsy Rank.
Don’t also forget to check your competitor’s keywords and how they are being ranked into the search pages. Learn from their success and mistakes.
Step 2 – Use long tail keywords, but also try general ones
If your keywords are just too broad, chances are you will be missed in the middle of several other offers. But if you go too narrow, you might miss some opportunities as well. So how to take the best of both worlds?
Have a 50/50 mix of both targeted and broad keywords. Add 1 or 2 of both types at the beginning of each of your listings. Also, work with synonyms words.
Examples of broad keywords
- bohemian handbag
- gold necklace
- custom coaster
Examples of targeted keywords
- vegan bohemian handbag
- teardrop gold necklace
- custom wood coaster
Step 3 – Optimize your listing title
The 140 characters of your title should be focused on your chosen keywords. But the first 40 characters are crucial. Why? When a customer types a search, only a part of your title will be shown, (yeah, the 40 first characters). And Etsy ranks these first 40 characters as the most relevant ones.
But don’t forget your title should be humanly readable. Add spaces and punctuation between your words.
Title example: Geometric Raindrop Necklace, Water Necklace, Teardrop Necklace, Gold Filled Asymmetrical Necklace, Minimalist Layering Necklace
This will not affect your ranking but will be a heck lot more comfortable to be read by your customers.
Step 4 – Match your title and tags
Fitting different keyword terms into your title and tags will not rank you in more searches.
You need to be concise and duplicate your title into your tags.
If your keyword phrases are too long for your tags, break them in shorter sentences. You can also mix your listing title words, rearranging them in different ways, but always using the same essential keywords.
Step 5 – Optimize your description
Place your keyword phrases within the first 100 characters in the description.
Then, not just describe your product, but write sentences that will sell it. Mention benefits, create a compelling story of where it came from, how was created. Think about all the questions the customer might have about it, and answer it in the description.
The longer the description, the better, but don’t extend your writing just for the sake of it. Keep it informative, and don’t use unnecessary words.
Step 6 – Drive traffic from other sources to Etsy
Feature your shop in different blogs, ask influencers to talk about your products on their social media, and have your own social media channels.
Choose your influencers carefully. Your choice should be based not only on their views and engagement but also on their audience. It should be compatible with your target customers.
Start a conversation with the influencers selected; engage with their channels, and present yourself and business. If they are willing, you can send some products so they can review and possibly share with their followers. Some influencers might request additional payments, so have a clear conversation before sending samples.
If you’re planning to create your own social media channels, Instagram and Pinterest are the best platforms for those selling handmade products. Why? Because these are both visual platforms, perfect to highlight your product’s beauty.
While working with an influencer or on your own social channels, remember to use your keywords in the description and/or hashtags.
Step 7 – Implement and measure
Implementing SEO takes time, and you will not see miraculous changes within one day of effort.
Set your campaign and track it for the following 3 – 4 months. If you are still at the beginning of testing strategies, you might change your listings more often, until you find the right keywords.
Once you have your listing running, track it daily with Marmalead or Etsy Gadget. If you notice your products are losing space for more than a couple of days, create a new listing to fix it.
Final Thoughts
You should have unique and high-quality products, but you also need to work in strategies that will attract people to your shop. Just creating a perfect product is not enough. People need to see to buy it.
SEO is one of the strategies to drive your product’s views and sale. To achieve the right SEO strategy, you need to brainstorm keywords, implement, test, measure, and repeat. It is a long process, but the rewards are great.
To maximize your reach, don’t rely solely on your SEO efforts. Make the best use of your social media channels, encourage customers to leave reviews, and work with influencers to promote your products.
Remember always to keep learning and checking Etsy’s updates. Sometimes, small rules change, and you need to adapt your strategy to it.
About the author: Annabelle Bella Short is a professional seamstress of more than 7 years that sells handmade items. She’s very passionate about starting handmade business and selling on Etsy. Annabelle is also very active in the crafting community.