WooComemrce has made it so easy to set up online stores in WordPress however, you need to put some effort if you wish to increase your sales. Nowadays there is a lot of competition and you need to work on finding ways to promote WooCommerce Products effectively.
Here, we will discuss about 5 smart ways you can promote your WooCommerce Products and get lucrative results.
Now, I will not talk about common practices such as optimizing your store, or general email marketing or all those common advice.
The ones you will find here are unique, and few large online stores are implementing these and getting amazing results.
So let’s dig into it.
1. Take Help From Major Platforms
Whether you have a popular WooCommerce store or a less popular one, and no matter how many products you have, there are certain online platforms that can help you boost your sales.
There is a possibility that you already are promoting your products on these platforms, but it is still worth giving the attention as it is the most result-driven method.
Right now, let me suggest you 2 online merchant shops that are reliable to help you in this case.
i) Google Shopping Center
Google is used by almost everyone online, every day. And their Shopping Ads are a great attraction.
While someone searches for a topic, they can find relevant suggestions of products that might get them interested to buy. With the amount of traffic Google gets, the result is always positive for most online stores.
Your WooCommerce Products can also be part of these Ads if you leverage Google Merchant Shop.
Simply generate your product feed according to the right format that Google accepts, while adding all the necessary data for every product, and upload on Google.
Google has its own feed format and set of data attributes they require you to provide along with proper category mapping. As long as you follow their requirements, your products will get the traction you require through Google shopping.
You can take a look at this guide to generate WooCommerce Product feed to promote WooCommerce Products on Google Shopping effectively.
The best part is, Google Shopping focuses on your product feed and reviews rather than your website domain authority. So, having a website with low traffic won’t affect your results with Google Shopping as long as you follow the guidelines.
ii) Amazon
Amazon is a multi-vendor site that allows you to promote WooCommerce products to millions of users.
Having huge traffic from tons of countries around the globe, and being well-known for getting almost anything in store, Amazon is very reliable to help you boost your sales.
The advantage you get here is that since there are visitors from so many different countries, you can promote WooCommerce products at an international level. If you can offer an attractive price with good quality, the products are sure to sell.
Now, there are many more merchant sites you can promote your products on, such as eBay, Facebook Dynamic, NextTag, Wish, etc.
On all of these, you simply need to generate product feed from your WooCommerce store and upload. As long as you follow the instructions of each platform, you will see sure results.
Also, keep in mind that even if you follow their rules, you still have to ensure that the product details are relevant and SEO optimized they that they can be searched more easily.
2. Video Contents To Promote WooCommerce Products
You might have tried or heard of many marketing strategies, but for a WooCommerce store, a rare mention is the use of video contents.
By video content, I do not mean TV commercials or promo videos. I am rather referring to actual video contents that can boost your shop performance.
We all know videos are more effective than images since it is the closest a person can view a product remotely.
You can create video contents and upload on different video channels such as Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc. You can then use them on your landing pages or share through social media.
But make sure you give the video an SEO optimized title. Also, provide the link of the product or store on the description and as a video message pop-up at the end of the video.
Hence, let us look at a few video content ideas the are specialized to promote WooCommerce products effectively.
i) Highlight A Popular Product
Take a popular product on your store. Create a short 1 to 2 minutes video, simply displaying a product from different angles and a small scene of it being used by a person. That’s it. Post on different video channels and share to see an increase in traction.
Since the product is already popular, it will get traction online easily. With more views, you get more sales.
ii) Honest Review Of A Product
You can create a video simply dedicated to a product as an honest review where you can highlight the use, advantages, and disadvantages of the product. Honest reviews are always in demand.
Keep the video within 5 mins and highlight all the advantages of the product and a few disadvantages as well. You can either talk or simply add subtitles.
The trick is, even though you are doing an honest review, the video will prove the product to be beneficial, i.e. it is actually a recommendation video. You have to use your words in a smart way so that viewers don’t feel like you are promoting, but they end up deciding that the product is beneficial.
Caution: Don’t be dishonest. You do not need to lie about a product. I believe you wouldn’t sell a product that was more bad than good. What I am clarifying here is that you should use proper copywriting, not a sales pitch or a deceiving pitch.
This type of video content will be very effective if you are a vendor, rather than a direct brand. (Self-reviews won’t be much appreciated.)
iii) How-To and Example Videos
Tutorials are one of the most popular video content on the web. You can create small tutorials for a few of your moderately or more popular products.
Whether a person is brought from your store, or from somewhere else, they will watch this video. Along with these people, some will watch it before purchasing.
If you manage to create a proper video, then you can leave a hook within the video to purchase it from your store. And leaving a link to your store is a must.
Whether you sell products of your own brand or you are a vendor of several products, you can effectively promote WooCommerce products with this method and get great results.
This will not only get you new prospects, but it will also create authority for your store. People will realize how reliable you are since you sell products that you know well about, and in turn, will get you future prospects.
3. Go Live To Impress
Social media influence is always result-oriented whether large or small.
And you probably already are well accustomed to paid Ads or Promotions on Facebook and Instagram. They work really well, however, an uncommon way you can promote WooCommerce Products in by going live on Facebook.
Most people think, Facebook Live is for fun or broadcasting. But it can actually be a sales trigger.
i) Show Your Products Live
Go live either on your business page (if you have a good number of followers) or on a popular public Facebook group, and simply display and describe some of the products you sell on your WooCommerce store.
Here you can highlight your popular products or unique products. Plus, you can answer questions to viewers who ask questions in the comment section.
ii) Show Your Store Live
If you have a physical store where the stock of your WooCommerce products are sold, then it is even better to go live and giving a live tour of your store.
Move around the store and display various sections and products on the store to give viewers a good idea of what products you sell. Also mention from time to time, that people can order online through your WooCommerce site.
iii) Get A Respected Guest To Join You
You can invite a popular influencer in your niche to appear live with you and display your products with you. Positive comments from him/her will get you more credibility.
Not only that, you will get attention from both people who are interested in products on your niche, and followers of the influencer you introduced. Thus, more traction.
Now, live sessions are not just for creating future prospects, you can even get instant orders.
Tons of people will be viewing your live session and some may decide to place an order for a product right then and there. Keep an eye on the comments, people who want to place an order, send them details on their inbox.
Live sessions through Facebook are beneficial for both physical stores and online stores. You can run normal promotions, pre-orders or simply brand awareness through live sessions easily.
And the results are always great. Many unpopular clothing stores have used it recently and got an immense rise in sales. So I believe, you can implement these ideas and get great results as well.
4. Convert Abandoned Prospects
You have regular cases where people add products to the cart but end up not purchasing.
And even though ‘Abandoned Cart’ is an interesting and common topic discussed, it is amazing how most WooCommerce stores take no action to get a good output out of it.
You have to understand that when a person adds a product to the cart, he definitely has interest. Or else who would bother clicking on the add-to-cart button?
People may abandon the cart for many reasons such as getting busy all of a sudden, not having sufficient funds, no urgency to purchase the product or simply they want to do more research on other stores and end up forgetting about your site.
Let us look at how you can promote WooCommerce products to abandoned cart situations and increase sales.
i) Instant Action
The moment you face an abandoned cart situation, you should take instant action. Set up a plugin or software that will send an email reminding him about his cart.
You can also set up a pop-up, asking the prospect to set a date and time to send him a reminder email. This will let the prospect think and set a date when he really will need the product, thus creating a temporary commitment to buy.
ii) Follow Up Discount
People love surprises and gifts. What you can do is, you can send a follow-up email stating that he may still buy the products he put in the cart, but at a discounted price. Then provide a link to click that takes him to the check out page with the discount applied.
This method works really well with people who check their email regularly.
iii) Suggest Better Products
On your emails, you can also promote WooCommerce products that the prospect didn’t add to the cart.
After giving them the reminder for abandoned cart, below, you can give suggestions of other products. It’s best not to suggest more than 3 products. However, you can suggest products smartly.
You can suggest one product that is similar to one that was added to the cart, but better. Then another product that is a comparatively relevant product, to a product in the cart. Finally, on the third slot, display a discounted bundle that includes one or two products that the prospect added to the cart.
Following this suggestion plan works well. Most people who choose to purchase, end up buying the bundle rather than the actual cart products.
You can use MailChimp to run abandon cart campaigns or use a plugin like WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart to help you out in this case.
5. Use Coupons Wisely
Coupons are always preferred when running discount campaigns. People regularly run discount coupons campaigns during holidays, new releases or any special occasions. However, you can use coupons in some other smart ways as well, that can boost your sales.
i) Special Discount Coupon For Regular Prospects
Some people are loyal customers of your store. They regularly make purchases whether you offer a discount or not. However, you can influence them to purchase more with a little priority gift.
For example, you can set a rule so that if a person is regular and made over 5 purchases on your store, then he will be qualified to get a discount coupon of 10% every month. This will encourage regular prospects to continue making regular purchases and often purchase more than they usually do.
ii) Target Coupon Offer
You can set a target of an amount to be spent in a month or week to avail a coupon code for a significant discount.
For example, you can set a limit of $600. Anyone purchasing more than $600 in a month will get a special 10% discount coupon code which can be used on all purchases after the target amount.
iii) Surprise individual coupon
A surprise discount is always good, but a personalized one is even better. What if you go to a site, and suddenly get a message that you are the lucky customer to get the discount of the day? Surely you would love a small discount just for you.
You can set the same up for your prospects. Every day, offer 10 random prospects with discount coupons either through pop-ups or email. This will often cause some of these prospects to visit your site regularly to get lucky again.
Use cookies in a way so that the same prospect doesn’t get the discount twice in the same week. That way, it will be more feasible for you to create more recurring prospects and make prospects feel special.
Nevertheless, a discount will always excite prospects to wish to make a purchase even if it’s a small one.
Author’s note
You will find many articles that offer a lot more ideas than what I provided here but you can be sure that these unique ideas are rare to find.
Also, if you implement these along with the usual marketing ideas, you can be one step ahead of other online stores. Your efforts to promote WooCommerce Products will drive favorable results and boost your sales in no time.
Hence, it’s high time you start applying these methods and enjoy an increase in sales on your WooCommerce store.
Author Bio
C Shakhawat Sultan works at RexTheme as BDM. He is a professional with a passion for WordPress. He is highly motivated and skilled in marketing and loves using WordPress. You can follow him on Twitter: @SultanRoyal1 and LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/c-s-sultan-royal/